Sinclair Bio Resources offers four breeds of miniature swine including Sinclair™, Hanford™, Yucatan™ and Micro-Yucatan™ animals. With all these options available, scientists now have the benefit of selecting a miniature swine lineage with the best fit for each specific research endeavor. Our Missouri facility produces Sinclair™, Hanford™, and Yucatan™ miniature swine while our facility in Maine produces Micro-Yucatan™ and Yucatan™ miniature swine. Our animals are delivered to clients either in our AAALAC-accredited climate controlled vehicles or by approved airfreight companies. All animals are well-conditioned through a solidly-established behavior and socialization program prior to shipping. Pigs are started on targeted training to promote ease of handling and procedures. All of our miniature swine are purpose-bred, socialized and vaccinated.
Discover our Production Strains
Miniature Swine

Miniature Swine

Miniature Swine

Miniature Swine

Download the Miniature Swine Book of Normals!
The Miniature Swine Book of Normals features a comprehensive collection of normal pathological and biological data collected on Sinclair’s lineages of miniature swine. Sinclair is pleased to make this information available to veterinarians, biomedical investigators, preclinical clients and university staff to facilitate research when using our miniature swine models.